Products of Change


Spring Fair has announced it is partnering with Product of Change to deliver a series of one-on-one and group educational sessions and workshops for attendees as part of the next stage of its Power of One® campaign to empower and energise retailers and consumers to change the future of retail.

Products of Change is designed to support, encourage and perpetuate companies and brands in meeting their sustainability goals through educating to inform change and peer-to-peer networking. With education at its heart, Products of Change is a global ‘living library’ of sustainable learnings (written, aural and visual) across a wide spectrum of topics, markets and product areas. It will also host regular webinars, on-the-go learning podcasts for its members. As well as the wealth of educational resources on the website, a twice weekly Products of Change e-newsletter will deliver news, views and research updates on all matters connected to sustainability with an additional monthly digital magazine providing an opportunity to delve deeper and share engaging articles.

During the show, Products of Change will be delivering one-on-one and group educational sessions and workshop tasters, as well as practice guides for all attendees keen to learn how to better align their business or products with core sustainability measures. Visitors will be shown the importance of transparency across supply chains as well as the benefit of working as a community towards a common goal of better sustainability and positive change across the consumer products industry.

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