Customer Code of Conduct

Hyve, the organiser of Spring Fair, is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of customer service, ensuring that safety and respect are fundamental components of every aspect of our event. 

This code outlines our expectations and rules for all participants, whether they are visiting, exhibiting, speaking, or working at the event.  We expect all individuals to adhere to the outlined Code of Conduct below.


A respectful environment
We expect all participants to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. For the avoidance of doubt, the following behaviours will not be tolerated. 

  • Discrimination based on any protected characteristics, including but not limited to age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
  • Threats, intimidation, offensive language, or gestures, whether verbal, written or physical.
  • Sexual harassment including inappropriate verbal comments, physical contact, or gestures.
  • Display of any offensive materials or content that is abusive, intimidating, threatening or discriminatory, including but not limited to inappropriate nudity or sexually explicit images.
  • Wearing clothing displaying offensive slogans, language, or images.
  • Heckling, cat calling or intentionally disrupting content sessions 
  • Deliberate damage to the venue or other people’s property. 
  • Vaping or smoking anywhere within the building. 

Reporting any concerns 
We encourage anyone who experiences any behaviour contrary to this Code of Conduct to report it to our team promptly. Reports will be treated confidentially. 

To report a concern or breach of the Code of Conduct please contact
During show hours you also can report directly to Hyve staff, NEC security or hall managers. 

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct or to cease unacceptable behaviour when asked may result in the event organisers, their representatives or security taking any action they deem appropriate, up to and including: 

- Expulsion from the event without refund or compensation. 
- Disqualification from participating in future events.
- In cases of suspected criminal offenses, involvement of the police or relevant authorities. 

Thank you for your cooperation in creating a safe and respectful environment for all Spring Fair participants.