Giftware Association



A message from The Giftware Associations CEO - Sarah Ward

What is The Giftware Association’s role in your business? The team at The Giftware Association spend a good portion of the year visiting every appropriate trade show in the country, speaking to members, understanding what their needs are, offering advice where needed and encouraging them to take on some of the further retail opportunities provided by the organisation. They exist first and foremost for their members, providing resource, advice and connectivity so that, no matter what you face in the future, you not only survive but thrive.


Benefits of being a member of The Giftware Association:


Experience internationally recognised awards, competitions, marketing support, networking events, new creative opportunities, podcasts, collaborations…


Experience Copywatch, legal and HR advice, product testing support, new product launch advice…



The GA connects you to experts, suppliers, retailers, service providers – all with one goal: to help your business grow.


Experience regular meet ups both in person and online where you can network with your peers, learn, share knowledge and come together as one community helping others in our industry…


International' and replace it with 'With a wealth of knowledge, they can help you with any import or export queries, trade with new territories advice and exclusive offers for international trade shows and new markets.

Voice of the industry:

Sarah Ward has direct access to government and has had huge success lobbying on crucial matters such as shipping, logistics and VAT. She currently sits on forums with the Bank of England in which she represents members, ensuring that the forum, understands and is able to qualify the issues that are live in businesses, but also acknowledge what is around the corner.

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