Thinking of You Week - Getting Involved

Thinking of You Week, which takes place on the last week of September every year, inspires people to connect with their loved ones by sending greetings cards with positive messages. Receiving a handwritten card is far more personal than an email or text message and can make the receiver feel really special.  


Working on your mental health, and helping others with theirs, is vital for a healthy and happy life. Thinking of You Week was thought up to do just that, to make people feel good about themselves. Taking the time to make others feel cared for is beneficial to both parties, a few kind words in a card can really brighten up somebody's day. What's more - Thinking of You Week isn't tied to religion, so everybody can take part!

Thinking of you week

Getting Involved

If you are a business, school, or retailer that wants to get involved in Thinking of You Week, visit the Greeting Card Association (GCA) website and download their toolkit to get started. They have banners and flyers that you can use. If you are a consumer, head down to your local stationery store, they will have plenty of cards in stock that will express what you want to say. If you can't make it, why not make your own?

Tips for Retailers

Retailers looking to take part in the Thinking of You Week should gather all the everyday occasion cards that fit the bill and put them together at a display area in-store, or on a certain section of their website online.


Promoting and marketing the week to encourage your customers to take part is super important. Create a card writing table in-store that will encourage people to write cards to their loved ones. Don't forget to share it on your social channels and decorate your website to remind visitors to take part.

Looking to find greeting cards for your retail store? Visit Spring Fair this September and you will find the largest collection of greetings suppliers under one roof.
