Are dinosaurs the next trend after unicorns and mermaids?

So, 2017 was the year of the unicorn, 2018 was the year of the mermaid, and if the products at Spring Fair are anything to go by, 2019 is the year of the dinosaur.

Unless you were living on a mountain with no wifi last year, you will be easily able to recall the mermaid trends that quite literally flooded the internet. Everything from mermaid drinks to mermaid inspired beauty looks were everywhere. A personal favourite was the mermaid tail blankets that turned the wearer into a maid of the sea.

While there were still mermaids and unicorns at the show this year, the more surprising addition, in every sector from gift to jewellery, was the dinosaur. At first it seemed like an odd next trend after unicorns and mermaids, but actually they've been extinct for so long now that they can be seen as just as mythical and mysterious.


These dinosaur-inspired products came in the most confusing but wonderful shapes and forms. Dinosaurs and earrings don't go hand in hand you say? Think again. How can you turn a ladle into a dinosaur? They've thought of it. Everything from dinosaur lamps to dinosaur flower pots painted the Spring Fair floor and we are here for it.

While the toy sector had their fair share of dinosaurs, this is by no means solely a trend for children. In this crazy world, can we really blame the consumer for craving a bit of escapism in the form of mystical creatures? Watching a fantasy film is no longer satisfying our need for out of this world experiences so we are latching on to unicorns, mermaids, and now dinosaurs to help delight our senses.

If you are still not convinced that they are the next trend after unicorns and mermaids, by all means hold onto your sea inspired bags and magical horns, but this is definitely a space to watch. We are patiently waiting for some crazy dinosaur makeup looks and green food with dino scales.


Want further access to 2020 retail trends? Visit Spring Fair this February and take part in our free workshops and seminars. Register for your free ticket here
