Kris Hamer

Kris Hamer

Director of Insight, British Retail Consortium

Kris leads the insight team at the BRC to deliver valuable intelligence on the industry for its members and provide rigorous economic analysis for our public policy campaigns. He regularly represents the BRC in national broadcast, print, and media on key industry issues, and speaks at many industry events. Kris joined the BRC in 2022, having worked in the industry for over 25 years. He started his career on the shop floor at Tesco, joined the John Lewis Partnership graduate scheme, and led operational change and analytics teams at Waitrose, Asda, and SSP Group. He also worked supplier-side for an AI software startup, leading their retail analytics team and subsequently as VP of Research. Kris has a PhD in Applied Statistics in which he studied corporate culture and business performance using UK retail data and is a visiting fellow of Henley Business School.

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