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Gemma Riberti explains WGSN's trend forecast for SS19 or AW18/19. These trends will be visually displayed at the Atelier in Hall 20 at Spring Fair 2018 to help you decide what to buy for these seasons ...
The specially selected products in these pages are examples of the emerging trends of S/S 2018, so dive in and prepare to be inspired.
Diversification is a key factor in driving sales growth and by moving into dining and kitchenware indies can make the cash registers ring.
Spring Fair spoke to Richard Jones, owner of Port Talbot-based giftware retailer Selections, to learn how he went about expanding into jewellery.
Glee’s aim is to encourage other category buyers from across the gardening spectrum to maximise their attendance at Spring Fair.
Indies that take advantage of the booming beauty and wellness markets can move their businesses beyond their core offering and to the next level.