Vicki Thomas Associates - – The Year of The Gift
Stand: 3H41
- Greetings, Party & Celebration
We are celebrating 100 years of The Gift - an essay by Marcle Mauss that started a discussion about the role of gift giving in communities. He saw it as overall a postive process found in all societies. We have are working with several partners including Hyve mark this centenary as part of their 75th and 40 years of Vicki Thomas Associates.
The Consultancy was bullt in part from research undertalen and the Spring Fair and through the support the Giftware Assoctation members. Come and see the pop-up exhibition at the show this year in Hall 3 H41.
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Gifts are designed and created by some one. Many are created by talents individuals - craftspeople like jeweller and potter but alos design and creative teams in companies globally. We use the images ...
Today, we are used to giving expeinces . But you can give you time, skills and knowledge too. We support individuals by giving to charities but also by buying gifts form theri trading companies. We d ...
Anthroplogists have a studied gift giving in aa wide variety and and cuktres and found very similar practices.. We understan dwhen soemn one givesus something we should at least say thank you. If we c ...
Who gave the first present? Mauss argues gifts are given in all cultures and most communitities have an explanation. Many of these rlelate to a creator or spirits. Mother Ntaure, Green Man..... What ...
Souvenirs are the gifts we link to travels.Things we bring back for others or buy as a memento an rewminder for ourselves. Gifts are given when we gross all sorts of borders. We have a display of gif ...
The stand will display things designed and sold as gifts. Many will be from firms exhibiting at the show the year. many gifts rae given nby women and are linked to them nuturing and passing on their ...