Super Ninja/Waspinator
Stand: 4F89
- Home, Living & Decor
- Garden & Outdoor
- Kitchen, Dining & Housewares
- Food & Drink
- Everyday
Super Ninja acquires Waspinator
Going forward the two businesses will operate as one under the name of Super Ninja Waspinator UK Ltd.offering a range of sustainable pest control products suuported by eye catching in store merchandisers
A compact and versatile counter/table top display unit, ideal for smaller gift areas and perfect to place on or near the tills to maximise impulse sales. Great for complementary sales with garden furn ...
Eye catching and easily locatable free standing display unit. Holds 100 Waspinator twinpacks and is replenishable with low re-order quantities. Ideal for placing near the checkouts, in gift and innova ...
Waspinator enables your customers to enjoy their gardens and outddor living without being bothered by wasps. As featured on This Morning TV, BBC Gardeners World, Jeremy Vine Radio 2, and in The Daily ...
Schluss mit wespen im garten, auf dem balkon und mit familie. Best-seller Impulskauf in Geschenkeladen, Gartengesch''ft und Baumarkt. Waspinator kann in jeder Sprache verpackt geliefert werden. Franzs ...
Finis les Guepes dans le jardin, sur le patio, autour du barbecue, au bord de la piscine, en pique-nique, en camping et avec famille. Achat impulsif le plus vendu pour les boutiques de cadeaux, les ma ...
Best selling impulse purchase for all types of Gift Shops, Garden Centres and Hardware Stores. Put Waspinator where customers can see it and they will buy.
Best selling impulse purchase for all types of Gift Shops, Garden Centres and Hardware Stores. Put Waspinator where customers can see them and they will buy.
Our product and merchandising is available in any language subject to minimum order quantities. Please enquire to for details and prices.
Spring Fair 2022 sees the launch of Waspinator's new merchandising system.