Boxford Holdings Ltd
- Art, Prints & Signs
- Ceramics
- Picture Frames
- Sculptures & Handicraft
- Garden Accessories & Decor
- Christmas Ornaments & Decor
- Cocktail Sets & Barware
- Electrical Appliances
- Glassware
- Knives & Utensils
- Servingware & Silverware
- Soaps
- Travel Accessories
- Greetings Cards, Stationery & Wrapping
- Wedding Cards
- Baby & Toddler Gifts
- Wooden Toys
- Collectibles & Memorabilia
- Children's Games & Puzzles
- Craft & Hobby Kits
- Jigsaws & Puzzles
- Art & Craft Supplies
- Table Decorations
- Stag & Hen
- Gifts
- Souvenirs
- Heritage Gifts
- Pet Accessories
- Retail Technology
- Bags & Purses
- Belts
- Jewellery & Watch
- Fashion Jewellery & Watches
- Silver Jewellery
- Jewellery Creation & Components
- Gold Jewellery
- Fine Jewellery
- Fashion Jewellery
Established for over 70 years, Boxford are a world renowned manufacturer of laser cutting and engraving machines, suitable for a wide variety of uses.
Their equipment is easy to use and built to last, making Boxford the go to brand for designers, makers and personalisation specialists, who need to go from design to manufacture as quickly as possible.
From their factory in Halifax, West Yorkshire, Boxford provide excellent UK-wide customer service and technical support, to keep your business running.
Boxford have creativity, ingenuity and engineering expertise at their heart, to help take your products and ideas to the next level, by adding that personal touch. Speak to a member of the Boxford team, who will only be too happy to discuss your requirements and find the right solution for your needs.