Wallypops® by Ink and Ivy Group - The original brand of pop-up greeting cards that stick to the wall.
When a celebration is finally over, there is that moment when the greetings cards reluctantly come down with all those thoughtful messages inside discarded.
At Ink and Ivy we wanted to design a greetings card that could be appreciated longer, a card that is kept up long after all the others had come down
Deliver a memorable message with personality & longevity. Wallypops® 3D pop-up cards are extra special, adding fun, personality and art to any room or space. They will stick around to treasure those all important messages
With their little sticky dot, Wallypops® will stick to all clean and dry surfaces. The adhesive is removable and won’t leave marks or oily spots!
On the belly, there are simple instructions and a little space for writing that special message. The lucky recipient will pop and stick to bring fun and joy to any room.
Wallypops® are the perfect pal for both the young and the young at heart. Each character card has their own name, personality and special place within the home. With so many different friends to choose from, it’s easy to find a match!
These 3D pop-up cards can be posted flat in their specially designed and printed self locking envelopes.